Thursday, November 7, 2013

Story Borad


Assignment 7

* To show the artist studio's spaces/area
by 2-point perspective drawing.


Story Board Drawing ( Draft )

Media : Drawing Pencil 
on A3 Cartridge Paper

This is my draft drawing.
To use our 2-point perspective skill to draw out different area/spaces.
Human scale is a must here!!
To show the eye-level and the scale of the spaces.

The area that I choose to show : 
1. Entrance
2. Living
3. Terrance
4. Mezzanine Floor
5. Kitchen
6. Studio

I had draft out the major things in each of the area.
Timber flooring for all those area except terrance.
Terrance will have tiles flooring.


Story Board Drawing ( Final )

Media : Artline Pen

on A3 Tracing Paper

Trace from draft drawing.
Edit / Add in the details part
There's arrow to show the flow/circulation of the area.
Description is to explain those area clearly.
Different thickness of line needed here!
Brightest area will need thinner line.
Darkest area will need thicker line.


Story Board Rendering

Media : Marker

on A3 Marker Paper
Colour Pencil

An extra photocopy on Cartridge Paper for me to try first ♪( ´θ`)ノ
Hmmm... everything look fine here :)
Time to proceed to the final one!!!
Here comes the Marker Paper copy >>>

Kill me please!!!
Everything goes wrong!!!
Its hard to control the Marker when it is on Marker Paper.
Totally different form Cartridge Paper.
Marker Paper have glossy surface.
The ink ... ... goes "too smooth"
I don't know how to explain = =
There's only 3 colour scheme used.

Suggestion from my lecturer :
1. Shade + Shadow can be better
2. Practice more to get own rendering strike


Its a good try for me. 
Know how to use Marker better!
TQ Mr. Kamal

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