Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rendering Perspective


Tadaa~~~Finally comes to
Assignment 8


Media : Colour Pencil 
on A3 Cartridge Paper
Artline Pen
Drawing Pencil

One-point perspective drawing.
I had done it into a studio type residential.
Actually I have no idea what to place in.
or can say that I have no idea how to design the area given.
It's very simple as u can see in my drawing.
Not much of color scheme applied.
Quite fail for my color pencil rendering also!!

Suggestion from my lecturer :
Colour scheme can be improve. 


Two-Point Perspective ( Design Final )
* This is actually a drawing for my design subject
The spaces that I design for my Final Project
From draft drawing to rendering drawing

One-'OFF' Boutique Retail Shop
in RETRO style design
selling traditional games - CONGKAK

- Display Area -

Suggestion from my lecturer :
1. Human Figure too big
2. To control colour scheme

- Mezzanine Floor -

Suggestion from lecturer :
Can't see space much.

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