Thursday, October 31, 2013

Two-Point Perspective


After the previous 2 assignments that I share to you guys,
did you learn something?
or have any comment on my works/ my blog?
You are welcome to leave a message at the right side column,
To help me improve myself :D
Let's start the next

Assignment 3

*A graphical technique in which a three-dimensional object 
is represented in two dimensions, 
& in which parallel lines in two of its dimensions 
are shown to converge towards two vanishing point.

This is a simple way & explanation about the ways to draw
*Copy from others website. 

How to draw a 2-point perspective?
* This link will help you to know more about drawing a 2-point perspective.


My first try on 2-point perspective!!

Estimating Line Method (draft)

Media : Drawing Pencil
on A3 cartridge paper
Colour pencil
Long Ruler
Scale Ruler
Set Square

Actually what I had learned from my lecturer is more complicated
BUT, it is more criterion/standard.
As you can see, there's grid line as the base of the drawing.
It is to lead us the to draw our interior spaces more easily & clearly.
The space that I choose to draw from the previous assignment is 
Kitchen area.
What I had drawn here were just basic elements that needed in a kitchen.


Estimating Line Method (finalize)

Media : Artline pen
on Tracing paper 

Here comes the detailing parts & finalizing for the kitchen area.
We were asked to trace it back by using free hand-drawing.
I had add on some plants to give some freshness,
detail up the furniture,
some seasoning for cooking, 
ceiling & floor design, etc...

But there's still something for me to improve!!
need to add more detail for the furniture (・_・;


Photograft Method
* A 2-point perspective picture that found in the internet 
which is with Hari Raya celebration,
then, trace it!!! yeah~~~~(^O^☆♪

(Dining Area)

Original photo chosen  from internet.

The final one that I trace on cartridge paper.

Media : Artline Pen
on A3 Cartridge Paper
Drawing Pencil

The most difficult things:
1. Detailing parts of the furniture.
2. Different line thickness that use to represent the shadow part  

Thinnest Line    >  Thickest Line
Brightest Area  >  Darkest Area


( Living Area )

Original photo chosen  from internet.

The final one that I trace on tracing paper.

Media : Artline Pen
on A3 Tracing Paper (finalize) ,
Drawing Pencil on A3 Paper (draft)

More steps to finish this drawing.
Need to trace on normal A3 paper with pencil,
then trace it back again on tracing paper
by Artline Pen (different thickness).

The most complicated things that to trace this was the window frame.
Eyes going to "pop out"!!! @@
btw, I done this with my small small patient.

Paraline Projection

Here comes the 2nd. Assignment to share with you guys!!!

continue drawing of the artist studio base on the previous plan I had done.
*It is actually an exploded drawing
To show the interior space clearly without exploding the wall.
p/s: This drawing kills me!!!


Exploded Drawing (draft)

media: Drawing pencil (Fabel Castel)
on A3 cartridge paper
Complete set square (45°90°)
Masking tape

1. Separate the space into at least 6 spaces
2. Pull up the mezzanine floor

It was to pull up the drawing from the plan to a 3D drawing.
I started with 3H pencil to draw the construction line
When every space is confirm by my lecturer,
I add up 2B pencil to darken the lines that needed.
*You need to keep your pencil sharp all the time! 


Exploded Drawing (Finalize)

media: Artline pen
on A3 tracing paper
Complete set square (45°90°)
Masking tape

It is to trace the drawing by using ink pen from the draft drawing.
Is like a finalize drawing to confirm your spaces that you want to show.
*To be careful & have 100% concentration.
Because if I trace it wrongly, is hard for me to erase it.
*Sometimes you will need a cutter to remove the mistakes.
That's why it takes my energy~~~~

I used different thickness of Artline pen to finish this.
Thickest : Exterior wall line & Cut line
Thick : Interior wall line & Opening
Thin : Furniture
Thinnest : Floor finish

Mistakes that I had done : 
Forgot to draw the line for glass wall @ terrance area


Learned!! *\(^o^)/*
Thanks to Ms. Norji & Mr. Kamal

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Orthographic Projection

After 2 months semester break,
started my degree sem 2 on July 2013.
Is been a long time I didn't draw.

The first topic that learn in Design Communication 2 is 

Assignment 1
An artist studio with a mezzanine floor :)


 Ground Floor Plan

media: Drawing pencil (Faber Castel)
on A3 cartridge paper

This drawing takes a lots of my time to do it!
piew~~~(; ̄O ̄)
mistake happens when we didn't do much practice!!
hmm... suggestion from my lecturer Ms. Norji
(p/s: she just born a baby boy!!!Congratz to her!!! <3 )
1: The construction line at the "A" there should be thicker/darker
2: The small tick at for the measurement should be bigger so that ppl can see it clearly!
3: Mistake on the furniture producing. The line should be thicker than the floor finishes.


Mezzanine Floor Plan
*intermediate floor just above the ground floor, not consider as a 2nd floor/level

media: Drawing pencil (Faber Castel)
on A3 cartridge paper
A big mistake on this drawing (^_^;)

The line for the floor finishes crossing the furniture!!!
sorry, didn't realize that :P
But still back some praises ♪( ´▽`)
extremely happy when gets others' praise!! (especially lecturer)


Reflected Ceiling Plan (RCP)
*A drawing which shows the items that are located on the ceiling of a room or space.

media: Artline Pen
on tracing paper



media: Artline Pen
on A3 tracing paper
Forgot to indicate dimension and scale!!!
why am I so blur? @@
marks deducted by Mr. Kamal
(p/s : Ms. Norji's husband) 


Interior Elevation

media: Drawing pencil (Faber Castel)
on A3 cartridge paper


That's all for my Assignment 1
Thank you Ms. Norji & Mr. Kamal for teaching me patiently!!